feel secure in your relationship again.

Affair and infidelity therapy in California and Washington

Has there been affair or infidelity in your relationship?

Maybe you’ve recently discovered your partner is having an affair or other betrayal. You’re probably feeling shocked- it’s as if everything you thought was true suddenly isn’t. You may be wondering if you can ever trust your partner again. You may be struggling to focus on anything else or you find yourself constantly replaying the details in your mind. Perhaps you’re having intrusive thoughts about the affair or betrayal, crying spells, or sleep issues since you found out. You may even feeling a loss of identity, wondering who you are after this reveal, and struggling to make sense of things.

you’re beginning to notice the impact of this in every facet of your life:

Struggling to focus on anything else besides the betrayal

Disconnected and mistrustful of your partner

Wondering where to go from here

Affair recovery therapy can help.

It may feel impossible now, but you can make sense of things again. You can process through the grief. You can feel secure in your life again. And I can help you get there.

  • Therapy that focuses on repairing an affair or other betrayal in the relationship. I have specialized training that allows me to take you through this three-part process.

  • Similar to general couples therapy, the first three sessions will be focused on assessment. The first session is a joint session, and then the subsequent two sessions I will meet with each of you individually. This will allow me to get to know both of you and understand your relationship so I can ensure I tailor sessions to your specific needs. After this, we will begin the three-step process of Affair Recovery: Atonement, attunement, and attachment.

  • No. Infidelity is a form of what we call betrayal trauma. This can occur as a result of a sexual or emotional relationship with another person, a hidden addiction, or financial infidelity. Essentially, betrayal trauma occurs when there has been a breach of trust from our partner that threatens the relationship.

At the end of the day, I want you to know:

You can gain clarity and transparency.

You can rebuild your relationship from the ground up.

You can move forward with trust and security.

Is Affair recovery right for you?

Affair counseling is a good fit for you if you…

  • Have experienced an affair or other betrayal in your relationship

  • Are struggling with the impacts of loss of trust or security

  • Notice that past hurts don’t feel fully repaired

What we’ll work on

With affair counseling, you can…

Fully repair past hurts and betrayals

Build a new foundation based on trust and transparency

No longer feel anxious and misunderstood

Your story is welcome here.

Your relationship is welcome here.